Non Debye Relaxation Process of Hopping Ionic Conduction in Lattice Gas Models : An Application of the Path Probability Method
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Statistical treatments of the relaxation process of hopping ionic conduction in lattice gas models generally lead to a linear relaxation process. This situation was investigated critically by means of the pair approximation of the Path Probability method of irreversible statistical mechanics for the purpose of understanding the strong non Debye relaxation process in the ionic conduction in disordered solid electrolytes known as "the universal dynamic response." It is found that the formalism of these treatments is to follow quantities in the ensemble average and that the usage of such treatments for flow which requires the time correlation of the motion of particles is responsible for the above results independent of the degree of approximation. The conversion from the ensemble averaging to the time averaging in the treatment by means of the Path Probability method is found to be equivalent to introducing the time dependent transition rate in the master equation approach and leads to the well known "Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts relaxation behavior". The problem is treated analytically for two component systems with nearest neighbor interactions among conduction ions, but an actual analytical calculation of nonlinear relaxation process is given for the motion of a single particle in the assembly of particles of the same species with a negligible amount of vacancies. Results show that the process is intrinsically non Debye even without any interaction.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1994-05-31
- 林忠四郎先生を偲んで
- 28pSE-11 EUSO ミッション (29) MAPMT 開発状況(超高エネルギー宇宙線, 宇宙線)
- MACHOs観測計画の提案(観測計画,Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects,研究会報告)
- 超新星1987Aからの超高エネルギ-γ線の探索
- Motion of a Shell at Metric Junction : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Galaxy Formation by Cosmic Strings : Astrophysics and Relativity
- John Archibald Wheeler追悼
- John Archibald Wheeler追悼
- 嶺重慎, 小久保英一郎編, 宇宙と生命の起源; ビッグバンから人類誕生まで, 岩波書店, 東京, 2004, x+240p., 17×10.5cm, 本体820円(岩波ジュニア新書477)[一般書]
- 嶺重慎, 小久保英一郎編, 宇宙と生命の起源; ビッグバンから人類誕生まで, 岩波書店, 東京, 2004, x+240p., 17×10.5cm, 本体820円(岩波ジュニア新書477)[一般書]
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- 二つの物理のはざまで
- 宇宙論と相対論 (一般相対論70年)
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- 理論分野の将来計画について(放談室)
- 超新星SN1987aからの超高エネルギーγ線(基研短期研究会「SN1987A」,研究会報告)
- 1p-SE-12 回転している超大質量差の一般相対論的重力崩壊
- はじめに(林忠四郎先生追悼)
- はじめに(基礎物理学の方向-湯川秀樹博士追悼シンポジウム-)
- 座談会 : 相対論の教科書をめぐって
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- A. パイス著, 西島和彦監訳, 金子 努・岡村浩・太田忠之・中澤宣也訳: 神は老獪にして; アインシュタインの人と学問, 産業図書, 東京, 1987, 744ページ, 22×16cm, 5,200円.
- 30p-K-10 ストリングループによる銀河形成とバリオンの冷却
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- 吉村太彦: 宇宙創成と素粒子, 岩波書店, 東京, 1985, x+210ページ, 18×13cm, 2,200円 (科学ライブラリー).
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- 1a-D-10 超巨大質量星における元素の合成
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- 3. 膨脹宇宙の進化と銀河の起源(B. 磁場構造の力学)
- H.Y. Chiu: Stellar Physics, Vol. 1, Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1968, 550頁, 16×23cm, 5,000円.
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- C. Dewitt: Universite de Grenoble Summer School of Theoretical Physics, 1966; High Energy Astrophysics, Vol. 3 Gordon and Breach, 1967, 449頁, 15.5×23.5cm, 5,000円.
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- Time Variation of Ultra High Energy γ-Ray from SN1987A
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- 25aXK-1 はじめに(宇宙線・宇宙物理,素粒子論合同シンポジウム 主題 : 一般相対性理論の誕生・発展・将来の展開,宇宙線・宇宙物理)
- 最高エネルギー宇宙線と相対性原理の破れ(特別講演)
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- 23pZC-2 物理学者からみた物理教育
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- 学術再構築の新しい視点
- 座談会:我が国の科学とノーベル賞 (特集 我が国の科学とノーベル賞)
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- 二つの物理のはざまで
- 宇宙論はどこへ向かうのか 佐藤文隆vs佐藤勝彦 対談 (特集1)
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- 林先生の京都賞受賞
- 宇宙黒体放射
- Energy Spectra of High Energy Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays from Pulsars
- Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of the Relic Neutrinos by High Energy Cosmic Rays
- ブラック・ホールはブラックにあらず : Curved Space-timeでの物質場の量子化(総合報告)
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- The Expansion Law of the Void in the Expanding Universe
- Isospectral Hamiltonians and W_ Algebra : Particles and Fields
- Clustering of the Relic Neutrinos in the Expanding Universe
- Motion of a Dust Shell in the Space-Time with a Cosmological Constant : Astrophysics and Relativity
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