An Infrared Effective Theory of Quark Confinement Based on Monopole Condensation : Particles and Fields
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We propose an infrared effective theory of quark confinement developing the 't Hooft's idea of abelian projection. QCD is regarded as a U(1)×U(1) abelian gauge theory with magnetic monopoles. The effective theory contains dual abelian vector fields and complex scalar monopole fields in addition to quarks and gluons. A static potential between quarks or between gluons is mainly composed of the linear and the Yukawa interaction. A relation V_<QQ>=V_<QQ^^->/2 is derived with regard to the static potentials of quark-quark and quark-antiquark. Our model predicts the existence of neutral axial-vector bosons and heavy scalar bosons both of which are not composed of quarks.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1989-01-25
Maedan Shinji
Department Of Physics Kanazawa University
Deoartamento de Ftsica, Pontiftcia Universidade Catolica
Department of Physics,Kanazawa University
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- An Infrared Effective Theory of Quark Confinement Based on Monopole Condensation : Particles and Fields
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