On Radiation Reactions in Collision Processes. I. : Application of the "Self-Consistent" Subtraction Method to the Elastic Scattering of an Electron.
Koba Ziro
Physics Institutes Tokyo University
Koba Ziro
Physics Departments Tokyo University Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku.
TOMONAGA Sin-itiro
Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku
Physics Institutes, Tokyo University
- On Radiation Reactions in Collision Processes. I. : Application of the "Self-Consistent" Subtraction Method to the Elastic Scattering of an Electron.
- On a Reletivistically Invariant Formulation of the Quantum Theory of Wave Fields. II. : Case of Interacting Electromagnetic and Electron Fields
- On a Relativistically Invariant Formulation of the Quantum Theory of Wave Fields. III. : Case of Interacting Electromagnetic and Electron Fields
- A Self-Consistent Subtraction Method in the Quantum Field Theory. II_1.
- A Self-Consistent Subtraction Method in the Quantum Field Theory.II_2.
- Theory of Split-Anode Magnetrons. I.
- Theory of Split-Anode Magnetrons. II.