A Probability evaluation method for the output fluctuation of noise insulation system in connection with the instrument character and input frequency spectrum
- A Computer-Aided identification Method of Arbitrary Stochastic System Contaminated by Modelling Errors and Background Noises
- A unified digital filter based on the characteristic function method for the stochastic sound environmental system with successive observation contaminated by a background noise
- A prediction theory of random level distribution based on a generalized difference type of Fokker-Planck equation and its application to environmental noise and vibration
- An evaluation method for nonstationary random noise in view of temporal change of statistical moments : General theory and its application to probabilistic estimation problem or traffic noise
- A statistical prediction method on the level distribution of road traffic noise based on the nonstationary property of moment statistics with roughly observed discrete level data
- A Probability evaluation method for the output fluctuation of noise insulation system in connection with the instrument character and input frequency spectrum
- A multivariate probabilistic evaluation method on the output response of noise insulation system with non-statinoary input and its experiment
- A Practical evaluation method for the effects of meter characteristics of sound and vibration level meters of the output fluctuation probability under the random input of an arbitrary frequency spectrum
- An Evaluation Method of Leq for Non-Stationary Noises Based on the Stochastic Change of Level Statistics
- A prediction method for the probability distribution of random waves based on the nonstationary property of energy statistics
- Evaluation methods of L_ based on the non-Gaussian and/or non-stationary properties of noise fluctuation
- An evaluation method of L_ for noise fluctuation of non-Gaussian and nonstationary types
- The prediction of probability distribution for road traffic noise level with the non-stationarity of headway distribution