(4)米国教員給与制度の理論的背景 : 公務員・民間部門における人事管理論の検討を中心に(アメリカ)(<小特集>教員給与の政策と制度改革に関する比較研究-日本,アメリカ,イギリス-)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to analyze the theories of salary in the studies of business organization and public personnel administration. Though many researches of teacher salary systems have been piled up in pedagogy, there are very few research to analyze the effects of the theories of salary in business organization and public personnel administration. Single salary schedule is supported by human capital model, agency model, and lifecycle salary model. In early 1980's, they have tried to replace merit pay from single salary schedule. Merit pay(performace-based pay) have been popular in private sector and was introduced into public civil service in the end of 1970s. Both opinions for and against merit pay are based on psychological reasons about personal motivation, but you should intend to increase organizational productivity. As merit pay has negative effects, skill-based pay is required as alternative salary, skill-based pay system has flexibility and possibility in which employees can improve thier abilities. This idea came from business and public personnel administration and may have effects on teacher salary sustem.
- 東京大学の論文
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- (4)米国教員給与制度の理論的背景 : 公務員・民間部門における人事管理論の検討を中心に(アメリカ)(教員給与の政策と制度改革に関する比較研究-日本,アメリカ,イギリス-)
- (1)アメリカ教員給与研究の課題(アメリカ)(教員給与の政策と制度改革に関する比較研究-日本,アメリカ,イギリス-)
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