東アジアにおける読み書き能力の歴史 : 漢字支配とその簒奪,廃棄,馴致(<特集>公教育とリテラシー)
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"East Asia" in a title is the "Chinese character cultural sphere," which include China, Korea, and Japan. The Chinese character is the ideography character different from the alphabet character of a phonogram. This paper discusses the historical process how people of China, Korea, and Japan in this area had escaped from rule by the Chinese character and acquired the reading-and-writing capability, respectively. The Chinese character was born to China as a sacred ecriture which records the communication with a king and God before B.C. 1300, at least. Under such a situation, the Chinese ecriture became a means by which an emperor governed the public in the history of China. It was asked for the public to study the scriptures of Confucianism through these characters in China. A far target of this study was taking and passing the classical examination system for the government service "科挙". The study for which it depends on memorization intently troubled the children as a student. A Chinese character reform in China was begun from the end of the 19th century. Roman-alphabet-izing and simplification of a Chinese character were tried. However, the non-literacy in 1949 was 80%, and 20% in 1988. The process of Chinese modernization was a curse and the process of reform to a Chinese character, and the process of "usurpation" of the Chinese character from the emperor by the public. Korea which was close to China and under the overwhelming influence was not easily released from rule of a Chinese character. In Korea artificial ecriture "訓民正音" was originated by the emperor "世宗" about the middle of the 15th century Although this was scorned with "諺文" under overwhelming Chinese character rule, "訓民正音" which was produced by studying the complicated syllable structure of Korean parole thoroughly continues being firmly useful for the public, because of easy phonetic ecriture. At the beginning of the 20th century, "訓民正音" was called "Han-guel" (great character), and after the release from the colony in Japan in 1945 it serves as the character of a positive Korean type, and has resulted at present. In Korea the Chinese character was abandoned at last as an external foreign substance. In East Asia governed with the Chinese character, Japan occupies the very unique position. A design of the Japanese syllabary "仮名" is it. The Japanese syllabary, both hiragana and katakana, was made out of man'yo-kana which was formed by the Chinese character. Japan succeeded in writing his parole with a Chinese character. Japan domesticated it. Why was Japan able to do what Korea could not? It may be the contrastive reason why Korea could not. It is the comparatively simple syllable structure of Japanese parole and separating from China by the sea that Japan was comparatively easy to escape from the cultural rule by China.
- 日本教育学会の論文
- 2003-12-30
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