中等学校家事科教員検定試験研究(第2報) : 谷忠一を通してみた「文検家事」男性合格者の実態
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The aim of this paper is to make clear the actual condition of successful male examinees of "Bunken Kaji" by analysing Tani Chuichi's documentary records and interviews with his family. The results were as follows : 1. Tani took the examination not to become a teacher of Housekeeping education, but to train as a science teacher and to get the status of the teacher's license. 2. It was difficult for successful male examinees to master the skills of cooking and washing as a practical test, though mastering the content of paper tests was comparatively easy. 3. He promoted Housekeeping education linked to the improvement of living conditions by writing books on Housekeeping education, by teaching the training in home management to students, and by becoming a lecturer in women's education in the community and also becoming the leader of examinees undergoing "Bunken Kaji". 4. It seemed that successful male examinees studied subjects like science education first, and then Housekeeping education. 5. It seems that the male leaders in Housekeeping education connected with "Bunken Kaji" introduced scientific methods and knowledge into Housekeeping education, and laid the foundation for successful male examinees like Tani Chuichi.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 2001-10-01
- 「文検家事」男性合格者・谷忠一のライフヒストリー
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