Some characterizations of strongly $\sigma$-short Boolean Algebras (Forcing Method and Large Cardinal Axioms)
- Sheaves of B-Valued Structures (ブ-ル代数値の解析学と超準解析)
- Some characterizations of strongly $\sigma$-short Boolean Algebras (Forcing Method and Large Cardinal Axioms)
- On uncountable representability of cBa under $\neg$CH(Metamathematics and it's applications)
- Completeness of A[B](Foundational Study and Its Applications)
- Specification analysis of concurrent programs(LOGIC AND THE FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS)
- Iterated Boolean Powers (Boole代数値の解析学と超準解析)
- Sheaf of Structuresにより保存されるSentenceについて (数学基礎論)
- Some characterizations of strongly $\sigma$-short Boolean Algebras (Forcing Method and Large Cardinal Axioms)
- On uncountable representability of cBa under $\neg$CH(Metamathematics and it's applications)