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It is becoming a serious problem that academic abilities of most college students in Japan have been deteriorating every year. Especially, the lack of their skills in English as the means of international communication might endanger the future of Japan, for it is they who will have to share in bearing the burdens of global issues in the near future. We college teachers of English must try every possible measure to improve and enhance our students' skills in English so that they can realize their future objectives on a global basis. This paper aims at finding some effective methods to improve their writing in English. 56 second-year students of Bunkyo University are the subjects of this ongoing research. The following is a summary of what has been found in their answers to the questionnaires and their free compositions in English. (1) Most of the subjects are interested in learning English in spite of the their poor ability in using English. (2) About half of them feel that they are very poor at writing English. (3) Very few of their free compositions are free from some errors in spelling, grammar, and idiomatic expressions. (4) Many of them have not reached an advan bed level in structuring proper passages in English. (5) Some strategies to solve those problems in their English writing skills are proposed, the effectiveness of which will be reported after testing these strategies on the subjects. 大学の大衆化と共に学生の学力低下が深刻な問題となっているが、特に英語力、とりわけ、英語で「書く」能力の不足はまさに憂うべき状態である。一方、あらゆる分野でglobalizationが急速に進行している現在、その状況に適応し得る外国人とのcommunication能力が一層強く求められている。その要請に応じられる十分な適性と外国語(特に英語)の運用力(特に「発信力」)を身につけた学生を大学はいかにして社会に送り出すことができるのであろうか。大学における外国語(英語〉教育に課せられた課題は極めて大きい。 この課題に取り組む努力はすでに大学英語教育学会等の会員によって精力的に行われてきているが、大学の多様化に伴い、学生も多様化してきて、他の大学で成果を挙げた指導法がそのまま本学の学生に適用できるとは限らない。そこで、まず、実態を把握するために本学国際学部2年生の平均的レベルの2クラスを対象に英語学習に関するアンケート調査と自由英作文を行なった。その分析の結果をふまえて、より有効な英語指導法を考察したい。
- 文教大学の論文
- 英語で「書く」能力をいかに伸ばすか
- Discourse Analysis and its Application to Enhancing College Students' Reading Ability