身体症状からみた2つの型のうつ病 : 精神分析的立場から(各科におけるうつ病)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Two cases of depression were presented from a psychoanalytic point of view. The first case, a 30-year old woman, was of immodithymic premorbid personality. Severe aggressive and distructive behaviors, reparation and restitution (M. Klein) and recovery of capacity for concern (D.W. Winnicott) were seen during psychotherapy. The symptomatic characteristics included sadness feeling, motor and thought retardation, and gastro-intestinal disturbances.In particular, the author discussed that constipation had a close relationship to internalized aggressive feelings. The second case, a 26-years old college student, was of reserved but dependent personality. Becoming independent from his yje tie with mother and finding a new object to be introjected was his main therapeutic goal. The symptoms distinguishing this case from the first case was hopelessness and powerlessness (of his own muscle), but not vegetative dysfunctions. From the above, the author concluded that there were two of depression, one with sadness related to vegetative dysfunction and other with hopelessness to powerlessness of the body.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1978-02-01
- SII-2 思春期の心身症(ライフサイクルと心身症)
- 頻回の嘔吐のために入退院を繰り返した糖尿病1症例について指定討論2(問題症例をめぐって第30回日本心身医学会総会)
- 身体症状からみた2つの型のうつ病 : 精神分析的立場から(各科におけるうつ病)