EMG バイオフィードバックにより軽快した硬直型書痙の1例
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This report is concerned with EMG-biofeedback treatment with frequency modulation. A42-year-old male patient, whose occupation is a chief of the clerk's office, has been suffering from stiff type writer's cramp. His symptoms have been gradually exacervated since 38-year-old. We had tried to administer anxiolytics, muscle relaxtant and to recommend him autogenic traininng during his outpatient for half a year. But these trials were not effective. So we started EMG-biofeedback therapy without medicine. We had designed and made the biofeedback instrument, which was connected to the output of the electromyography. The electrodes of surface EMG were distributed on the thenar, 1st dorsal interosseous, brachioradial and deltoid muscles. The amplitude of the surface EMG on thenar muscle was modulated, converterd to the change of the frequency and used as feedback signal. We used the instruction "You must change lower the tone of the feedback signal." One session consisted of five trainings. We applied 17 sessions to him in two months. The results were stored with data recorder and analyzed with signal processor. Mean amplitude was caliculated. The clinical course was observed with the parameters, mean amplitude, writing speed, and ratio (writing speed/mean amplitude), where writing speed was defined as a number of kana words which were written in a minute. The muscle tension of his arm was higher and writing speed was lower than control. The writing speed increased in late session after the reduction of the mean amplitude in early session. We supposed that not only mean amplitude of the surface EMG but also writing speed, ratio (writing speed/mean amplitude) reflected of the degree of improvement of the symptoms. In the final portion of this report we considered the change of the symptom in the progress of EMG biofeedback training.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1987-06-01
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