- 論文の詳細を見る
The present report deals with the effects of certain base analogues on larval growth, viability and induction of somatic mutations in the silkworm. The effects of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) were tested in addition to those of 5-bromouracil (BU) and 2-aminopurine (AP). A series of experiments were carried out with strains of heterozygous for either genes +^<od> and od or genes p^s and p by feeding the larvae on BUdR (0.028-0.161 μM/individual), BU (0.27-2.21 μM/individual) or AP (0.31-2.73 μM/individual) during the first instar. In order to examine mutation frequencies, the number of white spots (phenotypically p) induced in certain of the integuments of the fifth instar larvae was counted. The treatment with BUdR was followed by severe inhibition of growth and finally death, while AP had little effect on growth and survival. BU was not so toxic as BUdR. The number of aberrant spots per integument was larger in the larvae treated with BUdR than those treated with BU. The aberrant spots occurred very rarely in both AP treated and control animals. The mean size of the spots induced by the base analogues was about half or a quarter as large as those induced by γ-irradiation. But there was no morphologically appreciable difference between the aberrant spots induced by base analogues and those induced by γ-ray. The enhancement effect of aminopterine on aberrant spot production was observed in the treatment with BU, whereas no such effects were observed in the case of BUdR. There was a sex difference in the frequencies of induction of aberrant spots when the characters of such spots were sex-linked ones. Although the mechanism of such spots is not clear, mutation must have occurred in some of the epidermal cells during their development as a result of the replacement of the normal base in DNA with BU or BUdR.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1971-09-25
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