灯火誘殺に関する研究 : 第1報 主としてツマグロヨコバイを対象とした各種波長(色相)ならびに混光の誘引効果
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The attracting effectiveness of the thirteen lamps of different waves which have between 300 and 700nm for the green rice leafhopper was investigated. In the comparisons between each of different lamps alone, BL-lamp (360nm) demonstrated the highest effectiveness throughout the wave length region from invisible to visible. While, the prevailing B-lamp (420nm) indicated the effectiveness value of about 42 percent only as compared with BL-lamp, although its effectiveness is the highest in visible wave region. Also, at 630nm (S-lamp) in visible region a peak of effectiveness was obtained. Furthermore, the combination effect of different lamps with various mixing ratio was investigated and a combination of B-and BL-lamps (mixing ratio 3 : 7) was found to be the highest in attracting the green rice leafhopper.
- 1968-10-25
- 灯火誘殺に関する研究 : 第1報 主としてツマグロヨコバイを対象とした各種波長(色相)ならびに混光の誘引効果
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