気管支喘息の自律神経機能に関する研究 : 特にMicrovibrationの各パターン分析とその関連因子についての検討
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One of the important causes of bronchial asthma is hypersensitivity of bronchial tracts. and it is related to the condition of the autonomic nerve (AN). Microvibration (MV) is the machine for measuring the function of AN, and it analyzes the micro waves which are induced from the left hand thenar, and classifies them into 4 types, namely N, S, F, I, types. N type shows normal function of AN, S type shows normal function of AN, S type shows sympatheticotonia condition, F type shows vagotonia condition and I type is irregular type. Our samples were 103 normal subjects (60 males ranging in age from 25 to 71 years and 43 females ranging in age from 20 to 67 years) and 91 patients with bronchial asthma (40 males ranging in age from 18 to 57 years and 51 females in age from 16 to 78 years). The results were as follows : 1. MV pattern of normal subjects shows a high level of N type and lower levels of S, F and I type. On sitting position the level of S type goes up and the level of F type goes down. MV pattern shows no difference as to sex and age, but with the increase in ages, the level of S type goes down. 2. On rest supine position, F type is found to be at 39.6 percent, and on sitting position, S type has not found to go up in bronchial asthma. 3. The response to 0.2 ml injection of 0.1 percent epinephrine hydrochloride is lower in bronchial asthma than in normal subjects. 4. F type goes up in bronchial asthma patients who have neurotic tendencies and high score of of CAI. No relationship is found between MV pattern and SDS & YG. 5. On stress condition, the level of S type does not go up in asthmatic patients. 6. As is stated above, vagotonia and hypofunction of sympathetic nerve are found in bronchial asthma. So it is sugested that they are the causes of hyper-sensitivity of bronchial tracts.
- 1979-08-01
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- 気管支喘息の自律神経機能に関する研究 : 特にMicrovibrationの各パターン分析とその関連因子についての検討