Anorexia NervosaとBulimiaの臨床症状の比較検討
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1. Eating disorder is increasing in number remarkably. Thirteen years ago, the rate of the cases of eating disorder among all the newly visited patients of the year was only 0.2%, but last year, the rate increased up to 2.2%. Moreover, in addition to the increase of classical anorexia nervosa, the increase of bulimia was prominent. 2. In 1984 author experienced 51 cases of eating disorder. 20 cases were diagnosed as anorexia nervosa and 27 cases were bulimia. Four cases were atypical eating disorder. All cases were female except for one case of bulimia. Symptoms of anorexia nervosa and bulimia were compared and the results were as follows. The common symptoms of eating disorder were that the original weight in many cases was normal or rather less than the standard weight and cases of obesity were very rare. Mean age of onset was 18 years, and symptoms of bulimia started slightly later. In almost all the cases, such symptoms as fear of fatness, disturbance of body image were seen. Social adaptation was frequently disturbed. Dependence and/or aggression to mother was also frequent. Enlargement of salivary glands was specific. Some patients refused to take medication. In anorexia nervosa, only few cases had a previous record of psychiatric problems. Behavioral abnormalities during anorexia were also rare. So anorexia nervosa could be said as monosymptomatic. The patients were hyperactive. Amenorrhea was seen in all cases. Only few cases had sexual experiences. Diminution or loss of deep tendon reflexes were frequently observed. In bulimia, many cases had previous psychiatric problems and impulsive behavioral abnormalities during the episode of bulimia were also frequent. Marked irritability, symptoms of depression and ideas of self-blame were observed in almost all the cases. The patients were withdrawn and hypoactive. Amenorrhea was not always observed. Not so few cases had sexual experience. Deep tendon reflexes were diminished in bout half of the cases.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1986-12-01
- 摂食障害に対する医療現場の実情と今後望まれる治療システム(摂食障害に対する治療の最近の進歩)(第37回日本心身医学会総会)
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- D-2-8 地域開業医を対象とした摂食障害に対するアンケート調査(摂食障害)
- 摂食障害に対する医療現場の実情と今後望まれる治療システム(摂食障害に対する治療の最近の進歩)
- I-C-23 深夜に見られる過食症状について(摂食障害V-摂食障害の調査-2-)(一般口演)
- 15.てんかん発作や遷延した意識障害を呈した神経科食欲不振症の一例(第87回 日本心身医学会関東地方会 演題抄録)
- II-C-41 神経性過食症の男性同胞例(摂食障害VII)
- IIB-19 DSM-III診断によるAnorexia nervosa, Bulimiaの症状の比較検討 : 昭和59年に経験した47症例について(第26回日本心身医学会総会一般演題に関する質疑応答)
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- 14.閉経期に発症した神経性食欲不振症(第19回日本心身医学会関東地方会)
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- 摂食障害の臨床
- Anorexia NervosaとBulimiaの臨床症状の比較検討
- Anorexia nervosaの死亡例について(神経性食思不振症)