- 論文の詳細を見る
Although they say the recent outbreak of mite following by the use of new acaricides are generally attributed to the destruction of their natural enemies by those materials, little definite evidence has yet been presented to verify this supposition. Since the mite problem is quite serious in Hokkaido and since many unusual fluctuations in population of the pest had been observed, a field test was carried out in 1956 in the orchard of Hokkaido Agri ultural Experiment Station to ascertain the relationship between the reduction of their natural enemies and the increased number of European red mite. For mite and predator experiment, five apple trees (of the same variety) were selected and each one of those sprayed with machine Oil, DDT, BHC and parathion respectively. Number of mite, egg, predator was counted under hand magnifier on 10 leaves per tree and population-data were based on the investigations which were made twice a week at intervals of three days. The results of the test are shown in Figures 1,2 and Table 1. In the middle of July there was a heavy mite population in DDT plot and this continued until the middle of August. Then the leaves of the tree discoloured, because of severe mite injury and then there was a rapid fall in number of mite and egg. In September and October, an extremely small number of winter eggs were found on twigs of the tree. Non-sprayed plot showed significantly lower population than DDT plot throughout summer, but it was observed that there were mites enough to cause foliage injury. In autumn a small number of winter egg was found in this plot. On the contrary, in three plots where machine oil, BHC and parathion were used respectively, the population of mite and egg remained low from the beginning of July to the beginning of August and no visual discoloration of foliage was observed. But rapid increase in number of mites started in the middle of August in each and all of those three plots received heavy winter egg infestation. Mite predators were very scarce in all plots until August, but in autumn Scymnus and others were counted in DDT and non-sprayed plots. It seems that this increase in number of predator came too late to have any appreciable effect on the summer mite population. According to our observation, it is evident that the increase in number of mite in BHC, parathion and machine oil plots in autumn is mainly due to the fact that good condition of foliage was favorable for the mite, not from the decrease of their natural enemies caused by the application of those acaricides. The factors which are responsible for the great summer increase of egg and mite in DDT plot are unknown.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1958-09-01
- (19) 双翅目幼虫によるテンサイ根腐病菌菌核の摂食 (北海道部会講演要旨)
- (77) 馬鈴薯天狗巣病の伝染径路に関する研究 (昭和30年度大会(2))
- 馬鈴薯天狗巣病の虫媒伝染に関する研究
- 261 チリカブリダニによるハダニ類の生物的防除 : XII.小果樹類に寄生するハダニ類の制御
- 260 チリカブリダニによるハダニの生物的防除 : XI ハウス栽培キュウリとほ場のダイズ寄生ハダニ類の制御
- 413 オオニジュウヤホシテントウとナナホシテントウの腹部の構造について
- 206. スゲハムシ及びイネクビボソハムシの雄第8腹節及び前者の生殖器について(一般講演)
- 248 イネネクイハムシとイネクビボソハムシ雌の第8腹節について(生態学, 昭和44年度 日本農学会大会分科会)
- 329 ダイズシストセンチュウ発生圃場における薬剤注入後の発生消長(昭和39年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 81 ダイズハダニの発生消長について(昭和34年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- リンゴハダニの発生消長に及ぼす薬剤散布の影響
- リンゴに寄生するハダニ類とその生態(V. バダニ類の諸問題, 昭和33年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 24. リンゴに寄生する3種ハダニの年間世代数について(昭和30年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 果樹及び蔬菜に寄生するハダニ類とその防除
- オオゾウムシの腹部の構造について
- コガネコメツキ Diacanthus puncticollis Motschulsky 雌の腹部及び生殖器について
- エゾマイマイカブリとエゾカタビロオサムシ雄の第 8 腹節及び第 9 腹節について
- 二・三甲虫類の雌交尾器について
- スゲハムシPlateumaris sericea LINNE雌の腹部の形態について
- カミキリムシ雄の第 8 腹節背板について
- カミキリムシ数種♀の交尾器について
- カミキリムシ数種雌の腹部第 8 節について
- Prionus californicus, laticollis, coriarius 及び insularis の形態及び分布について
- Leptura rubra Linne アカハナカミキリの口器, 腹部及び生殖器の構造並びにその地理的分布について
- アブラムシおよびオンシツコナジラミの天敵糸状菌 Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.) Viegasの分離
- 135. 北海道におけるクロバーハダニの発生型
- 115 マメ科牧草の種類とツメクサタコゾウムシ幼虫の発育(生態学, 昭和43年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 112. 混播採草ほ場におけるツメクサタコゾウムシの発生動態
- 256 アブラムシ類の駆除による馬鈴薯葉捲病伝播防止試験(昭和39年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 128 リンゴハダニのリンゴ及び梨品種上の生育について(昭和37年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 233 チリカブリダニによるハダニの生物的防除 チリカブリダニによるほ場のハダニ防除(一般講演)
- 殺ダニ剤に関する試験成績(昭和34年度年次講演会講演要旨集)