- 論文の詳細を見る
Female Thrips nigropilosus were reared under various combinations of temperatures (18℃ and 25℃) and photoperiods (15L and 10L) at different stages and their age in days. Wing form and preoviposition period were examined to identify the photoperiod sensitive period as a determinant of wing form, the presence of reproductive diapause and the sensitive period for diapause induction.Egg and larval stages were sensitive stages for wing form determination. Short-day photoperiod in 1 day-old larva was necessary for development of brachypters. Long-day photoperiod during any period from the egg immediately before hatching to 8 day-old larva partially or fully inhibited development of brachypters. Depending on the photoperiod during the later-photosensitive period, females grown under long-day photoperiod during the earlier-photosensitive period appear to develop into either macropters or intermediates. Females grown under short-day photoperiod during that period appear to develop into any wing form. Short-day photoperiod induced reproductive diapause, and high temperature inhibited the induction. Egg and larval stages were sensitive to photoperiod as a diapause-inducing stimulus, and egg and earlier larval stages seemed to be more sensitive to photoperiod than later larval stages. A proportion of females entering diapause tended to be higher in brachypters than in macropters and intermediates.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1994-08-25
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