- 論文の詳細を見る
Rearing method of Ostrinia furnacalis GUENEE which had been described previously by SAITO (1980), one of the present authors, was further improved. The artificial diet used and the rearing conditions, i.e. temperature of 26℃ and 16L-8D conditions, were similar to those reported by SAITO. Rearing container was a petri dish 9 cm in diameter in the first half of rearing and a plastic container, 20×14×8 cm, in the latter half instead of the petri dish used by SAITO. Both in the petri dish and in the plastic container a trough was made on the surface of the diet to enable the larvae to bore into it easily, and in the plastic container corrugated carboard strips were placed for pupation. Number of emerged moths was 116 to 75 per container during three generations after the start of rearing and no deformed moth was observed. Development of newly hatched larvae to the time when 50 per cent of them emerged took 27-28 days. No difference was found in the body weight of pupae reared by the new method and the previous one. Adult emergence rates were 66-80 per cent and larval mortality occurred mainly during the former half period. Oviposition was made in a paper bag and mating rate of tested females was 62-89 per cent. There were a few containers in which all the females emerged.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1982-08-25
- A110 日本産アワノメイガの性フェロモンの化学構造について(フェロモンの化学)
- A109 鱗翅目昆虫の性誘引物質に関する研究(第4報)(性フェロモン3)
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- D220 北海道内におけるガンマキンウワバ雄前翅長の季節的変化(翅型変異)
- D24 アワノメイガの発育に対するトウモロコシ耐虫性成分の効果の現れ方(生理学・生化学)
- B55 アワノメイガ幼虫に対する硝酸態窒素の発育阻害効果の現れ方(生理学・生化学)
- アワノメイガ幼虫の発育に及ぼすトウモロコシの生育の影響 : IV.トウモロコシ中のC/N比の消長と幼虫の発育
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- C-28 飼料C-N比の変化がアワノメイガ幼虫の発育に及ぼす影響(生理学・飼育技術)
- 人工飼料によるアワノメイガの改良された飼育法
- D-7 硝酸塩によるアワノメイガ幼虫の生育阻害(その2)(人工飼育・発育生理)
- アワノメイガ幼虫の生長に及ぼすトウモロコシの生育の影響 : 第3報 生育段階の異なるトウモロコシにおける幼虫の生長
- 618 シロモンヤガの光周反応及び第2回成虫出現期の調節
- 130.ウスグロヤガの生活環,特に高山における越夏に関する予備観察
- 筑後におけるコブノメイガの早植水稻への飛来
- 306 コブノメイガの初飛来調査
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- 142 アワノメイガ幼虫の走性について : 2. トウモロコシの汁液と人工飼料に対する反応(一般講演)
- 155 アワノメイガ幼虫の走性について。 : I.光・湿度・接触に対する反応(一般講演)
- 135.とうもろこしのアワノメイガの幼虫寄生部位の変化と死亡要因
- 461 アワノメイガ幼虫の生育に与える飼料C-N比の影響
- 233 ウリハムシモドキ成虫の卵形成と交尾との関係(生理学, 生態学, 昭和44年度 日本農学会大会)
- ウリミバエ防除用綿ロ-プの有効期間
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- コブノメイガの交尾, 特に低温の影響