- 論文の詳細を見る
Parental participation, especially maternal one, in clinical practice of pediatrics is quite important which is usually not seen in adult medicine. When the diagnosis of cancer in children is made, the diagnosis must always be told and the disease has to be explained to both parents together in a quiet room.Our attitude in talking with the parents is a most important consideration. Many discussions must be held with the parents even after the first talk and the parents should be told that they should feel free to ask any questions. Particular attention must be paid to the psychological impact that the diagnosis has upon the parents. They should be assured that their child will receive the best treatment currently available and the importance of their cooperation for the welfare and happiness of their child should be stressed. We also tell them that cancer is no longer invariably fatal due to recent medical development. The situation today has changed from expectation of certain death to anticipation of a normal life although this may be uncertain at the time of diagnosis.Another important problem is how to explain the disease to our patient. According to Japanese beliefs, children must not die while their parents remain alive. It appears to be most catastrophic when the order of death by seniority is disrupted. Since death of children evokes utmost fear as human beings, no scientific studies on this subject have been carried out in Japan until recently. For children with cancer, the pattern of open and honest communication is most important. If they ask you specifically about their diagnoses, prognosis or treatment programs, their questions shoud be answered forthrightly.In the terminal stage, a dying child generally regresses to a more primitive level asking the mother just to be there with him. He may be content if the mother holds, comforts and feeds him. When feasible, the best comfort for the child is the mother's active and close care, day and night. Therefore, all of us must support the mother who is living in with the child and carrying much of the care of the dying child. She should be looked after, encouraged and given occasional rest from her heavy duties.The hospital staff also experience the strong emotional reactions. Group meetings and conferences on "approaches to dying children" should be held at intervals and meneuvers and training of the treatment on this subject are mandatory in strengthening the staff's therapeutic and supportive role.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1982-12-01
- 27.Sclerosing mesenteritis が疑われた自験例(第23回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- X-63) 神経芽細胞腫に対するシスプラチンの効果及び副作用の検討(X 化学療法, 神経芽腫群腫瘍の臨床)
- IV-26) 著明な肺転移をきたした神経芽腫の1例(IV 亜鈴型腫瘍または転移の症例, 神経芽腫群腫瘍の臨床)
- Hemihypertrophyを呈した45,X Karyotypeの1新生児例
- II-4)神経芽腫に伴う頭蓋骨縫合離解について(II.神経芽細胞腫の化学療法(2), 昭和55年度小児悪性腫瘍研究会記録, 小児悪性固形腫瘍の基礎的研究ならびに化学療法の問題点)
- G-CSF投与中に脳梗塞をきたしたT-ALLの1例
- 小児における皮下埋め込み式中心静脈カテーテルの使用経験 : 合併症を中心として
- VI-19) 高浸透圧血症を合併した第 3 脳室奇形腫の 1 例(VI. 一般募集演題)(奇形腫を中心として)
- VI. 2) i) 上縦隔洞症候群を呈した悪性リンパ腫の 1 症例( 2)特異な悪性リンパ腫(2), VI. 公募演題, 小児悪性リンパ腫)
- 小児悪性固形腫瘍長期生存例の晩期障害
- 示46 皮下埋め込み式中心静脈カテーテルの使用経験(合併症の検討)
- 49. 新生児睾丸捻転症の 1 例(第 24 回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- ^Gaシンチグラフィーにおいて肝への集積の消失と骨への著しい集積を認めた急性リンパ性白血病の1例
- 66.小児における皮下埋め込み式中心静脈カテーテルの長所と短所(第25回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- 1B69 当院における小児悪性固形腫瘍の治療法と成績の変遷(35年間の追跡調査)
- 特発性血小板減少性紫斑病合併妊娠における児の血小板値の変動について
- VI-17) 上縦隔洞原発の Gonadotropin Producing Teratoma の一剖検例(VI. 一般募集演題)(奇形腫を中心として)
- IV. 9) Alveolar soft part sarcoma の一例(IV. 稀なる小児悪性軟部腫瘍の症例)(小児の軟部腫瘍)
- JS2 解説(合同シンポジウム トータルケアの心と実践,第21回日本小児がん学会 第47回日本小児血液学会 同時期開催)
- 65.Denver Shunt 術による神経芽細胞腫瘍根治術後難治性腹水の治療経験(第25回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- I-E-41 小児急性リンパ性白血症同胞発生のみられた2家族における両親の心理的反応(腫瘍・死の臨床)(一般口演)
- IIB-19 小児がん患児のターミナルケアー : 第2報 : 問題のあった一人っ子の例と同胞発生例について
- 神経芽腫の肺転移について
- IV-2) 興味ある臨床経過をとった骨髄性白血病の長期生存の 1 例(IV. 一般募集演題)(悪性腫瘍の治療を中心として)
- 小児の終末期医療 (ホスピス)
- 小児の死とタ-ミナルケア (第32回日本小児保健学会)
- 小児のタ-ミナルケア (タ-ミナルケア(末期患者医療))
- 各種ヘルペス感染症に対するAciclovir(アシクロビル静注)静注の効果--小児悪性腫瘍患児のVZV感染症を中心として
- 小児癌患者と家族へのアプローチ(死にゆく患者とその家族へのケア)(死の臨床)
- 交換輸血 (周産期障害診療へのアプロ-チ)
- 新生児・小児の輸液 (産婦人科に必要な小児科の知識)