- 論文の詳細を見る
Takemoto, Takahashi, and Suzuki (2004a) shows that consolidation of municipalities make possible efficient management in most municipalities because of scale economies. Furthermore, Takemoto, Takahashi, and Suzuki (2004b) discusses the efficiency in expenditures by measuring the sum of cut in municipalities’expenditures. In this paper we will verify above results by the newest data, and focuss also on the fairness between municipalities. Concretely speaking, we will evaluate influence of fairness by the Gini index etc. about per capita annual revenue and financial capability index. This paper obtains the following results. First, consolidation of municipalities reduce the differences in financial gap batween municipalities. Second, the more municipalities consolidate, the smaller the differences in financial gap are. Third, it is inefficient that all municipalities consolidate in our pattern.
- 2005-02-15
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