- 論文の詳細を見る
In China, it has been the government's policy to give priority to expanding vocational education at high school level. There are social and economic reasons for this policy. Firstly, to effectively train the youths as middle-rank managers and skilled worker who are essential for economic development. Secondly, to divert high-school graduates away from higher education institutions. At the school level, these two goals translate into the following two points : 1) By acquiring the necessary skills, students will be given advantage in acquiring position in the labor market. 2) Students'attitudes will become more realistic, leaning more towards useful technical skills, and their aspiration for a university degree will cool off. Have these objectives been achieved? This paper attempts to examine and analyze the issue based on a questionnaire survey on students.
- 東京大学の論文
- 1998-03-26
- 南亮進・牧野文夫・羅歓鎮著, 東洋経済新報社, 『中国の教育と経済発展』, 2008年7月刊, 272ページ, 税込3,990円
- 職業教育と職業意識の形成(職業と教育(2))
- 中国の職業教育の構造と機能に関する研究(研究発表IV IV-5部会 経済と教育(2))
- 中国における職業教育 : 政策と現実
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