山地民の平地民化における二類型 : Thakali族とKaren族の場合
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This paper treats the emulation of plains culture by such hill people as the Thakalis in the Nepal Himalayas and the Karens in the hill tracts of Thailand. The rapid emulation of plains or Hindu culture would appear to be caused by the fact that the Thakalis engage in trade with southern Nepal, while the native peoples of both the Panchgaon and Baragaon areas (just upstream from the Thakali homegroud) are largely pursuing agriculture, pastoralism and small-scale trading. Within the Thakali community, economic status, sex, and age are strong factors determinig the degree of Hinduization. Whatever the distinctions, it is obvious that the dominant trend in this area is from Buddhism to Hinduization. This process is likely to be accelerated by the fact that contact with Tibetans has recently been drastically reduced due to the current political developments in the Himalayan areas. So far as the Karens are concerned, no dramatic plains emulation or Buddhistization has been observed in contrast to the Thakalis-The author tries to clarify the process of Buddhistization in changing family cults. Since pig sacrifice as a part of the family cult is hindering the Buddhistization, the secularization and termination of their cults facilitate Buddhistization. Either individual or family is the basis of this culture change unlike that of the Thakalis. In any event, one of the remarkable differences in plains emulation among hill people can be found even in these two cases that depend on varieties of pertinent societies and cultures. Consequently, more detailed numerous comparative studies are required to comprehend the sociological meaning of plains emulation taking place among hill people.
- 1968-03-31
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- 山地民の平地民化における二類型 : Thakali族とKaren族の場合
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