- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a report based on my field research which was carried out in the Black communities of Los Angeles, California and of Middville (pseudonym) , Texas from September, 1969 to August, 1970 under a grant from the American Council of Learned Societies. This report, titled "Neighbors, Friends and Kin of Black Families m the Urban Adaptation," was read at the pre-Congress Conference on "Processes of Urbanism" which was held in St. Louis, Missouri from the 27th to the 31st of August 1973, one of the Pre-Cougress Conferences of the IX International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, and has been partially revised for this publication. Los Angeles was chosen mainly for two reasons: first, the city is one of the rapidly growing cities with a substantial Black population. Unlike Chicago, New York or Washington D. C., it is a relatively new destination for Black migrants from the South, which might mean the historical background of the Black community would be less complex and probably would allow an observer to trace the process of adaptation a little easier; and second, again, unlike Chicago or Washington D. C., there have been few anthropological reports from Los Angeles. In this study I wished to see the relationship between the migrants in the city and their hometown in the process of urban adaptation, the analysis of which was often lacking in the previous studies.
- 日本文化人類学会の論文
- 1974-06-30
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- 職業的同一化と適性--テネシー州ナッシュヴィル市ニグロ商人成功者の場合
- アメリカにグロの社会人類学的研究
- アメリカニグロの社会人類学的研究