内面と力 : ジャワ神秘主義と伝統的政治モデル
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This article intends to argue the validity and the limits of the model of power m the Javanese culture proposed by ANDERSON and others, through analyzing various doctrmes and discourses concerning the Javanese mystical sects. After the introductory remarks, Chapter Two gives an outline of the argument of the traditional model of power, and its relation to Javanese mysticism. The study of the concept of power in Javanese culture has been closely related with the study of kingship. Among the fairly good amount of studies on that subject, it is ANDERSON'S Seminal analysis on the Ja'vanese idea of power (ANDERSON 1972) that extracted the manalike notion of kasekten, which, according to him, is contrastively different from the Occidental one. Kasekten is that intangible, mysterious and divine energy which animates the universe. The kingship is mainly based on the accumulation of this power, and as long as the central king can manage to keep this energy in him, the order of the universe and society is kept stable and prosperous. A similar notion is argued by ERRINGTON about the Buginese society of Luwu where the concept of sumange' (ERRlNGTON 1983), which obviously has some historical connection with the Malay notion of semangat (vital power) (cf, ENDICOTT 1970), is of central importance as a sort of cosmic energy which organizes the society.
- 1988-03-30
- 知識移転の神話と現実 : バイオ系ラボでの観察から(知識伝承システムの多様な次元)
- 1F02 長い歴史をもつ研究チームの組織的知識の把握 : リサーチ・パス概念の導入(科学社会学,一般講演,第22回年次学術大会)
- リサーチ・パス分析 : 科学的実践のミクロ戦略について(解釈主義と情報経営)
- 内面と力 : ジャワ神秘主義と伝統的政治モデル
- 矢野秀武著, 『現代タイにおける仏教運動-タンマガーイ式瞑想とタイ社会の変容』, 東京, 東信堂, 2006年, 376頁, 5,880円(税込み)
- 閉ざされた言語 : サミン運動とその言語哲学
- 因果のネットワーク : 複雑なシステムにおける原因認識の諸問題(リスクと情報経営)
- 学会の生態系(対談,第1部,建築系学会大集合)