- 論文の詳細を見る
In social anthropology, the "community study" is commonly held to be the orthodox way of field research, and in HanChinese society too, many anthropologists have been struggling for the detailed study of their own villages. There are innumerable "villages" in rural China and in rural Hong Kong, and at first sight it seems very easy to find "communities" there. But m the actual process of research rt rs sometimes difficult to fmd a "village" as a concrete unit. In my field, the New Territories of Hong Kong, although the settlement pattern is usually compact, sometimes we find that several settlements, each of which has the term "village" in its own name, are combined to make a larger unit which is also called "village". That is to say that people can refer to the various levels of local units with the same term "village". In this article. I have tried to analyze the religious activities connected to the "villages" of this area and through them, I have also tried to show a certain flexibility and durability in the Chinese village. In analyzing rural Taiwanese society, the early Japanese sociologist Yuzuru OKADA presented the term "religious sphere". This term is very useful in understanding the flexibility of the people's religious life in relation to local units. In his model, the religious life of rural Taiwanese people was conceptualized as several overlapping "spheres". Although some other scholars emphasize the role of the "village temple" in the religious and social life of Chinese local people, I think we cannot overestimate this role.
- 日本文化人類学会の論文
- 1987-12-30
- 小熊報告に対するコメント(《文化・社会分科会》中国のと文化の変容)(日中青年研究者シンポジウム(下) 中国と日本 : 近現代, そして21世紀への展望)
- 械闘と村落連合 : 香港新界中西部5郷の事例より
- 東南中国漢族文化の多様性 : ?粤の旅より-
- 香港新界の漢人村落と神祗祭祀
- 村のまわり : 香港新界の村落境界についての覚え書き
- 客家と本地 : 香港新界農村部におけるエスニシティの一側面
- 費孝通著 小島晋治ほか訳『中国農村の細密画 : ある村の記録1936〜82』(研文選書27)
- 澤田瑞穂著, 『中国の呪法』, 平河出版社, 1984 年, 534 頁, 2,500 円 / 『芭蕉扇 : 中国歳時風物記』, 平河出版社, 1984 年, 377 頁, 2,300 円