Whole-rock chemistry of the Horoman ultramafic rocks, Hokkaido, Japan
Nishimoto H
West Japan Fluid Engineering Lab. Co. Ltd.
Obata Masaaki
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University
Nishimoto Hitoshi
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University
Obata Masaaki
Department Of Geology Faculty Of Science Kumamoto University
Obata Masaaki
Department Of Earth Sciences Faculty Of Science Kumamoto
Nishimoto Hitoshi
Department Of Geology Faculty Of Science Kumamoto University
- Whole-rock chemistry of the Horoman ultramafic rocks, Hokkaido, Japan
- 肥後変成帯中に産するザクロ石のセクタ-構造と組成累帯構造〔英文〕
- Magmatic differentiation by means of segregation and diapiric ascent of anorthositic crystal mush-the Murotomisaki Gabbroic Complex, Shikoku, Japan