"Tales From the Margin"by Frederick Philip Grove,a Forerunner of Canadian Multicultural Literature (共同研究報告特集 欧米諸国における多文化の問題と日本の課題)
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F. P. Grove's original typescript, "Tales From the Margin," is held with his papers in the University of Manitoba Archives in Winnipeg, Canada. Below the typescript's "Table of Contents," which lists the order of four groups of narratives, Grove instructs that the work is to be published as he intended, in the arrangement of the groups of stories as he specifies. Desmond Pacey, in his preparation of an edition of Grove's selected stories, broke into Grove's typescript, deleted some works from the original and added some short pieces Grove had written later. Pacey published the end result as Tales From the Margin: Selected Stones of Frederick Philip Grove in 1971. Although his introduction to the collection of stories that he published under Grove's original title, "Tales From the Margin," attempts to justify Pacey's treatment of the typescript, he does not refer to Grove's own instructions for publication, nor does he refer to the integrity of the narratives as Grove arranged them (Pacey, ed 3-4). The body of my paper contrasts Grove's unpublished typescript, "Tales From the Margin," with Pacey's edition of Grove's stories published under that title. My discussion will refer to archival material from the Grove papers, including correspondence between Grove and Pacey before the former's death and before publication of Pacey's edition. My paper attempts to demonstrate that Grove's original typescript deserves attention to the form and arrangement that he intended. Moreover, it deserves to take its place in the long line of linking narratives which are a dominant feature of Canadian literature. In addition, Grove's original text is significant in its use of the linking narrative form to further the challenge of the "new ethnicity" of 1920s writers to the contemporary ideas of Canada's " national and literary character" (New Dreams 70) and to signal the move of early twentieth-century authors such as Murtha, Knister, Ostenso and Salverson towards multicultural writing emerging in early decades of the twentieth century.
- 北海学園大学の論文
- 2001-03-31
- "Tales From the Margin"by Frederick Philip Grove,a Forerunner of Canadian Multicultural Literature (共同研究報告特集 欧米諸国における多文化の問題と日本の課題)
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