Extended Affine Root Systems III (Elliptic Weyl Groups)
Saito Kyoji
Research Institute For Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University
Saito Kyoji
Research Institute For Mathematical Sciences Kyto University
Takebayashi Tadayoshi
Department Of Mathematics School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
- A Categorical Construction of Root Systems Type ADE Case (Recent Topics on Real and Complex Singularities RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Period Mapping Associated to a Primitive Form
- Polyhedra Dual to Weyl Chamber Decomposition : A precis
- Construction of Gelfand-Tsetlin Basis for $U\sb q({\rm gl}(N+1))$-modules
- A Generalization of Eichler Integrals and Certain Local Systems over Spin Riemann Surfaces : In the memory of Professor Michio Kuga
- Extended Affine Root Systems II. (Flat Invariants)
- Extended Affine Root Systems I (Coxeter transformations)
- Extended Affine Root Systems III (Elliptic Weyl Groups)