ジョン・カボットとニューファンドランド : 神話と伝統の狭間で
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John Cabot (c 1455-1498), having obtained a grant of letters patent from the King Henry VII, set sail from Bristol of England in search of Asia in a small ship, the Matthew, in 1497 He stepped ashore on land somewhere along the eastern coast of what is now Canada However, exactly where Cabot landed has been much debated by historians over the past years because there were scant references to Cabot's voyage Therefore, this paper deals with Cabotian studies in relation to the documents including the letters of J. Day, R de Soncino and L Pasqualigo and interpretation of various statements put forth as to why Cabot's voyage is significant His voyage provided the basis for England's claim to Newfoundland In addition, it is also discussed how the Cabot 400th and 500th anniversary celebrations in Newfoundland contributed to invent the desirable form of the Cabot tradition Though J Cabot is still an enigma wrapped inside a mystery, he was an ideal candidate to become a national founder-hero for Newfoundlanders
- 上智大学の論文
- 1999-03-31