坪村 太郎
坪村 太郎
本間 真彦
橋岡 美穂
依田 真一
荻原 珠子
Tsukuda T
Department Of Materials And Life Science Chemistry Seikei University
Tsubomura Taro
Department Of Materials And Life Science Chemistry Seikei University
- 発光性d[10]遷移金属錯体
- A Novel Tetranuclear Iron (III) Complex Having L-Alanine Bridges and an Unprecedented (Fe_4 (O_2H) Core
- 31p-P-10 Rh(en)_3: Cr^単結晶のCPL/MCPLスペクトル
- 金属錯体におけるNoncovalentな相互作用 (1985年の化学-12-)
- Structure of a Barium(II) Complex Sandwiched by a Schiff Base Macrocycle
- Luminescence of Copper(I) Dinuclear Complexes Bridged by Diphosphine Ligands
- 二核パラジウム錯体と有機塩化物の光化学反応
- Photophysical and Photochemical Studies of [Pt(binap)_2] : Excited State Quenching by Oxygen
- 第15回配位化合物の光化学討論会
- Conformation of 18-Membered Tetraimino Macrocyclic Complex; Structure of Two Metal Complexes and Molecular Mechanics Study
- Transesterification by (Hydroxo)nickel(II) Complex in the Presence of External Alcohol
- The Syntheses of (Chloro) Iron (II) Complexes by Using Tridentate Polypyridine Ligands
- Photochemical C-C Bond Formation from Chlorobenzene Mediated by [Pd(PPh_3)_4]
- Triple-Decker Sandwich Structure of a New Rubidium(I)Tetraimino Macrocyclic Complex
- Molecular Structure of 1, 3-Disubstituted π-Allyl Palladium (II) Complecxes with a Chiral Diphosphine : The Intermediate of Palladium-catalyzed Asymmetric Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation
- Sysntheses and Structures of a Novel Trinaphthylene Hexaimino Cryptand:Three Different Conformations of a Macrobicyclic Ligand
- Photoreactions of Palladium Phosphine Complex with Chloroalkane. Production of Ethylene with 1,2-Dichloroethane and Novel Photochromic Behavior
- Conformational Change of a Macrobicyclic Complex. Structure of Free Ligand and Interactions with DMSO
- Synthesis and Characterization of Barium (II) Macrobicyclic Complexes and Related Compounds
- Circularly Polarized Luminescence of [Ru(diimine)_3]^-Ag^+Exciplex System
- 27p-PS-137 高温超伝導体Bi_2Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_x:REのルミッセンス特性
- 27p-W-10 強誘電体Rb_2ZnCl_4:Mn^のルミネッセンスとメモリー効果
- 3p-D3-10 光学活性混合錯体のCPLスペクトルと励起状態掌性構造認識
- 2a-X-17 強誘電性セラミックスPLZT:Euのルミネッセンス
- Synthesis and Luminescence of Four-Coordinate Mononuclear Gold(I) Complex : [Au(biphep)_2]PF_6
- Synthesis and Luminescence of New Cu(I) Complexes Containing a Binap Ligand and a Diimine Ligand
- Structure and Luminescence of a Dinuclear Copper Complex Bridged by a Diphosphine Ligand
- 31p-P-11 フタロシアニン錯体のMCPLスペクトル
- ハイスループット核磁気共鳴装置の紹介
- ハイテク・リサーチ・センターについて (理工学部/工学部開設50周年記念号)
- 発光性d`10´遷移金属錯体
- N-複素環カルベンを含む発光性金属錯体
- 30p-LM-3 希土類(III)錯体Eu(III)(O_2bpy)_4のMCP発光スペクトル(イオン結晶・光物性)
- 1a-B2-12 強誘電体Rb_2ZnCl_4:UO_2^のルミネッセンスと振電構造(イオン結晶・光物性)
- 30p-J-11 三核モリブデンクラスターの発光(30pJ イオン結晶・光物性(磁気ポーラロン・磁性体))
- 30p-J-10 強誘電体Rb_2ZnCl_4:Mn^の発光と構造相転移(30pJ イオン結晶・光物性(磁気ポーラロン・磁性体))