Extremely Fe-rich metamorphic sekaninaite in a sillimanite-grade schist clast from the Middle Jurassic conglomerate, Hida Mountains, Japan
- Eclogite and Related Metamorphism in the Sanbagawa Belt, Southwest Japan
- Paleozoic ophiolites and blueschists in Japan and Russian Primorye in the tectonic framework of East Asia : A synthesis
- Illustrated Introduction to Eclogite in Japan
- Database on rock-forming minerals (1): Na amphibole from Renghe schist at Osayama, Wakasa, Oya, Hakogase and Omi areas, SW Japan
- Phlogopite in jadeitite from the Osayama serpentinite melange, Chugoku Mountains, Southwest Japan
- Extremely Fe-rich metamorphic sekaninaite in a sillimanite-grade schist clast from the Middle Jurassic conglomerate, Hida Mountains, Japan