- 論文の詳細を見る
Total fertility rates have declined since the latter half of the 1960s in advanced nations. It's generally said that lowering fertility is a kind of social phenomenon in a post industrial nation. Various changes have recently taken place in advanced nations. During the latter half of the 1980s the level of the total fertility rate in Sweden increased dramatically and reached about 2.1 of population replacement level. France and Great Britain had total fertility rates around 1.7 and maintained stability of medium levels of fertility. However, fertility had become very low in Japan, Germany, and Italy. These three nations had total fertility rates below 1.5. It's believed that these nations have a small number of illegitimate children and have customs of the dominance of men over women. These nations will experience depopulation and a rapid aging of the population as a result of lowering fertility. Family policies designed to reverse the trend include maternity leave, a day nursery, a children's allowance among other measures. It's hoped that these polices will have positive effects on fertility levels and become causal facters in an increase of total fertility rates.
- 盛岡大学の論文
- 1998-03-19
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