Intensity of required physical education program consisted of circuit training, badminton and table tennis
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the exercise intensity and duration of a physical education program that was composed of circuit training, badminton and table tennis. For this purpose, 4 female students volunteered in this study. The mean heart rate (HR) during the circuit training was 146.6±11.3 beats/min. It was corresponded to 58.3±17.5 percent of maximum oxygen uptake (%Vo2max) and become the highest value among the 3 exercises. The values during badminton averaged 139.6±7.8 beats/min and 50.9±12.2%Vo2max. In table tennis, the mean HR was 119.0±17.3 beats/min. It was only corresponded to 35.6±21.8%Vo2max and was the intensity that could not develop the cardiorespiratory fitness. It was suggested that, if table tennis was used as a material of a physical education program, the other exercise consisting of adequate intensity should be used together with that to improve cardiorespiratory fitness.
- 和洋女子大学の論文
- 1983-03-31
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