- 論文の詳細を見る
Pilling is a process in which friction causes the formation of fuzz, the fuzzy material gets entangled and forms pills, and those pills fall off through abrasion. Homespun fabric tends to form many pills because wool is already to a certain degree fluffy. This study examined the pilling characteristics of homespun fabric by conducting about 100 hours of pilling tests using an ICI-type tester to learn the relationship between time of pilling tests and changes in appearance. The following results were obtained: (1) During the test, homespun fabric formed a markedly large amount of pills within six hours. After 12 hours, pills had tangled with each other, forming larger, fluffier pills. (2) The time required for the pills to fall off depended on the type of wool used: 30 or more hours for merino wool and 66 or more hours for English wool. (3) After 54 hours, pills similar to the convex swellings in woven textiles were observed. In addition, the fluff decreased so greatly that the background design of the textile weaves were clearly seen, and the soft appearance characteristic of homespun wool disappeared. (4) After 102 hours, the number of pills decreased further, and the fluff and soft appearance disappeared completely. In addition, the weight of the wool decreased by 18 to 22%, the thickness decreased by about 0.13 to 0.33 mm, and the compressive elasticity modulus decreased by 2 to 8%. Thus, there was a significant degree of attrition.
- 岩手県立大学の論文
- 2002-03-01
菊池 直子
菊池 直子
菊地 直子
大和 進
菊池 完之
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