学生時代のボランティア経験がその後のボランティア活動に及ぼす影響に関する研究 : キャンプボランティアの満足度と卒業後のボランティア活動の参加動機に着目して(平成13年度大学院スポーツ科学研究科修士論文概要)
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There are three purposes in this study; 1. First of all, the camp volunteers could receive the well organized volunteer trainings by the camp bodies they belonged. This study demonstrates how these volunteer trainings were effective for their continuation of volunteer activities after their graduation. 2. Secondarily, the study tries to demonstrate how the level of a satisfaction of the camp volunteer experience influenced the motivations of their present participation in volunteer activities. 3. Third, the study tries to find the factors to hinder the participation in present volunteer activities. The samples were collected from the OB lists of four large camp bodies who have their offices in Osaka City. They all have four years camp volunteer experience through their university days. Major findings are summarized as follows; 1. Their volunteer participation rate after the graduation was 61.3 percent. It is much higher than that of some other surveys. It suggested that the volunteer training they received during their university days was effective. 2. The satisfaction level of the interaction and the fellow feeling among the camp volunteer group they belonged influenced their motivation to the participation in volunteer after the graduation. The higher their satisfaction was, the stronger their motivation to the participation was. 3. The group who participated in volunteer activities after the graduation felt less the lack of social supports such as information, a volunteer companion and time than the non-participation group.
- 大阪体育大学の論文
- 2002-07-01
- 生涯学習施設としての野外活動施設の活用に関する研究 : 施設設備とプログラムの視点から
- 学生時代のボランティア経験がその後のボランティア活動に及ぼす影響に関する研究 : キャンプボランティアの満足度と卒業後のボランティア活動の参加動機に着目して(平成13年度大学院スポーツ科学研究科修士論文概要)
- 学生時代のボランティア経験がその後のボランティア活動継続に及ぼす影響に関する研究 : キャンプボランティアの満足度と卒業後のボランティア活動の参加動機に注目して