Discursive Construction of the Ideology of "Women's Language": From Kamakura, Muromachi to Edo Periods (1180-1867)
- Discursive Construction of the Ideology of “Women's Language" : Women's Disciplinary Books/Moral Textbooks and the Unification of Written and Spoken Languages in the Meiji/Taisho Periods(1868-1926)
- 隠された性・男という性 : 「沖縄少女暴行事件」という表現をめぐって
- Translation: inter-lingual construction of indexicality
- Discursive Construction of the Ideology of "Women's Language": From Kamakura, Muromachi to Edo Periods (1180-1867)
- 欲望の構築 : ティーン雑誌に見る読者の消費者化
- 言語規範としての「女ことば」
- ことばと差別
- Desiring One Imperial Language : Affect, Gender and Colonialism
- ホモソーシャル・ファンタジー--スポーツ新聞の世界
- Emotional Attachments to Japanese Women's Language:Language, Gender, and Affect in Colonialism
- Language as Heterosexual Resource
- Theorizing the Constructive‐ideological Approach to Japanese Women's Language
- Metalinguistic Practices vs. Subversive Practices
- Construction of"Men's National Language"in Japan (1868-1926)
- Discursive Construction of the Ideology of "Women's Language" : "Schoolgirl Language" in the Meiji Period(1868-1912)