EFAをめざすノンフォーマル教育の現状と課題 : ウガンダとタンザニアの事例分析から
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This paper discusses the impacts and challenges of Complementary Opportunities for Primary Education (COPE) in Uganda and Complementary Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET), which have been implemented to achieve "Education for All" by the government in cooperation with UNICEF. In spite of some differences, COPE/COBET programs basically aim to provide out-of-school children, especially girls, opportunities to learn. The programs also provide them with opportunities to participate in the formal education system after they have performed well at learning centers for three years. The main characteristics of COPE/COBET are as follows. (1) The curriculum covers the first five years of the formal primary :school syllabus in three years. (2) COPE/COBET centers do not have a centrally determined timetable. (3) Communities are involved in the development, planning and management of learning centers. (4) COPE instructors and COBET facilitators are trained and encouraged to use child-friendly and participatory methods in class. (5) Classes are small to allow for the use of child-centered approaches. However, COPE/COBET programs have faced some constraints and challenges. First, payment of instructors / facilitators is sometimes delayed. This discourages them from working enthusiastically. Due to the lack of funds, teaching and learning materials are not sufficient and workshops and supervisory visits are not implemented periodically. Second, in spite of the objective "to promote girls' education," the number of girls is smaller and the performance of girls is lower at learning centers compared with boys. Third, there is an increasing number of orphans who have lost both parents and have no relatives to care for them.
- 2003-09-30
- EFAをめざすノンフォーマル教育の現状と課題 : ウガンダとタンザニアの事例分析から
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