サトルボディについて : 女性と身体性の観点から(<特集>こころとからだの<間>)
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Analytical psychologist C. G. Jung proposed the idea 'Subtle Body' which means intermediate area between psyche and body. It is the area not only between psyche and body but also beyond the both. In Jung's Psychoid Unconscious level, psychic world and physiological world cannot be distinguished. In this level, psyche and body are factors of one reality-Subtle Body. We can approach this invisible Subtle Body from psychic and physical channels. Women experience various physical changes in their life cycle, for example the menarche, the delivery and the menopause, which influence their psyche. The facts point women have more chances to approach Subtle Body from the body side than men. In the delivery and the lactation period, many women are said to have some transcendental experience downward. This experience seems deeply connected to Subtle Body, and also deeply influences their psychic development. Women also have chances to fall many psychosomatic diseases in relation to changes of internal secretion in their life. Psychosomatic diseases are those which spread over psyche and body. These diseases show psyche and body cannot be separated easily. We can see in those diseases any problem of Subtle Body. Anorexia nervosa is a case in point. Anorexic patients seem to show that they are separated from Subtle Body and cannot have transcendental experience which is indispensable for our psychic development. The problem which anorexic patients show seems also the problem of ourselves today.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2003-03-31