中世後期の開帳について : 大和長谷寺を中心に
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The present article discusses the exhibition ceremony in the late medieval period by examining a particular case of the ceremony at Hase-dela. The ceremony could not be held until the emperor authorized and issued a royal permission ('Rinji') to it. In the case of Hase-dela, their wish to hold a ceremony was first conveved to the Daijo-in-Monzeki of Kofuku-ji, the Betto (steward) to Hase-dela, and then the Monzeki asked the emperor for its approval through the agency of Sekkan-ke (the emperor's regent). The ceremony was an effective means to raise money from worshippers for the repair and maintenance of temples. The sum of raised money at Hase-dela was not clear, but the Monzeki in person could collect as much as 100 kan-mon. Taking into account the commission required by the emperor and the regent, the total sum ought to have amounted to an enormous money. The procedure of the ceremony and the distribution of profits reflected the hierarchical society in the medieval period.
- 鳴門教育大学の論文
- 2003-03-07
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