- 論文の詳細を見る
Japan suffers many active volcanoes and earthquakes disaster as a result of its topographical characteristics. We have recently experienced volcanic hazard such as Mt. Usu, Mt. Fugen in the Unzenn mountain system. and Mt. Oyama of Miyake lsland. With Japan such a Populated country, this volcanic activity threatens the safety of regional residents, transportation, and property. The observation in directly is necessary for the fall out,ash,gas,and pyroclastic flows resulting from volcanic eruption as well as topographical changes and mud flows of volcanic ash. During period of acting, it is necessary to protect lire-line structure and influence to the area. Further,many popular tourist resorts of our country are located in areas of volcano in activity, and damage caused shocks to the regional economy and industry. Also, there are many case that these volcanic disaster breaks out cyclically in Japan. However,despite the cyclic occurrence of volcanic eruption Japan, life must go in the fact of danger because there are so many prominent volcanos in our crowded archipelago. The main purpose of this research is to examine about in particular the damage caused by the Mt. Usu eruption, The intense crustal fluctuations that around March 28, 2000.The volcano become active for first time in 23 years at 13:00 on March 31 of the same year. Several damage woe the life and economy of residents to the important sightseeing industry, to means of communication such caused to as a main railroad line and main road in Hokkaido to concrete structures,and so on. A second purpose is to investigate an effective use for the voluminous volcanic ash resulting from the eruption as concrete mixture component and the characteristics of the resulting concrete are examined by processing measure to get rid of a large quantity volcanic. The results are as following,(1)the structures related to transportation infrastructure, river drainage,irrigation,life-line services,and property such as road bridges, drainage systems,building,residence etc. were damaged causing by ash, stone,gas,crustal fluctuations,mudflows,etc. with some certain characteristic types of damage observed, (ii)experiments using volcanic ash of the 2000 Mt. Usu volcanic eruption in concrete showed that he strength characteristics are good. (iii) the manual of measures for volcanic damage to infrastructure and concrete structure is should be maintained in sufficient information to do at ordinary times because of the volcanic hazard must be classified by the damage as earthquakes.
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