情報可視化に向けた企業システム改革の再評価 : 生産財メーカーにおける80年代の取り組みを中心に (柳原範夫・筒井清子名誉教授定年御退職記念号)
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The aim of this article is to discuss articulating and transferring a customer's implicit demands into new product development. One of the major concerns of manufacturing companies is difficulty they face in attempting to capture their customer's implicit demands. Research into new product development has largely dealt with this topic as an intraorganizational integration issue, or tied it directly to the capabilities of marketing "gatekeepers" who interact between manufacturers and their customers. This paper addresses a case study of a Kyoto-based electronics device company, Omron. Omron changed their business model in the latter half of 1980's. The aims of this strategic reform were twofold: to select four "lead-users" from their end users to serve as "important information sources," and to focus custom development on those important customers' requirements. To facilitate the requirements-based custom development, Omron coordinated with lead-users to allow its engineers direct access to the customer's facilities and engineers when real technological problems arose. This strategy allowed Omron engineers to become more familiar with the customer's knowledge base, and to capture and articulate the customer's innovative demands and requirements, as engineers have more absorptive capacities for technical information than marketers. This case study shows the manufacturing companies' attempts to implement shifting information management issues from intra-organizational integration to interorganizational integration.
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