- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper, from the side of the maps of castle and castle town, deals with the institution of castle and castle town in Takada. The Takada was castle and castle town which has from 58,000 to 750,000 "Koku" (180liter) of rice in Edo-era in Japan. On the whole, the site of institution selected from the side of the use and scale of building. As the results of this study, the striking point are as follows; (1) In case the Takada, as the first constructed institution can think the "Sakuji-sho" (building house), the "Enshou-kura" (gunpowder store house), and the "Baba" (riding ground) etc. (2) At the same time, as the after constructed institution is the "Toki-no-kane" (hour telling bell), the "Machi-kaisyo (administrative institution of tradesmen and artisans) and "Han-kou" (school) etc. (3) In the after big earthquake, "Tera-yashiki" (buddist temple s lot) changed.
- 新潟工科大学の論文
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- 4-339 建築教育における新しいデザインの形成過程とその後の変化に関する考察((9)ものつくり教育-IX,口頭発表論文)
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- 正保城絵図の内題に関する考察
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