"But soft,what nymphs are these?" : A Midsummer Night's Dreamについての一考察
- "I love him for his sake" : All's Well That Ends WellにおけるParollesの役割
- The Winter's TaleにおけるMamilliusの死と16年間の欠落の意義についての一考察
- "Were it but my life" : A Measure for MeasureにおけるIsabellaの成長
- "Thou Stick'st a Dagger in me" : The Merchant of Venice についての一考察
- "Not I, my lord, sith true nobility Warrants these words in princely courtesy" : Titus Andronicus における Lavinia の苦悶の責任
- "I Had Rather Had Eleven Die Nobly for their Country" : Coriolanus についての一研究
- "I would I Had thy Inches!":Antony and Cleopatra についての一考察
- "Our Fathers' Minds Are Dead, And We Are Governed with Our Mothers' Spirits":Julius Caesar についての一考察
- "To the Marriage Her Nurse is Privy":Romeo and Juliet についての一考察
- "Was not this love indeed?" : Twelfth Night についての一考察
- "But soft,what nymphs are these?" : A Midsummer Night's Dreamについての一考察