福岡県甘木市栗山遺跡D群墓域第6号甕棺墓 : 社会考古学的観点からの若干の検討
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This paper attempts to illustrate an example in which the memory and the image of particular ancestors (probably lineage headpersons) were mobilised in mortuary ritual in order to create a specific social message. The example is drawn from jar burial No. 6 at location D in the cemetery site of Kuriyama. Jar burial No. 6 was located right next to jar burial No. 5 and on top of No. 8, both of which are regarded to be the burials of lineage headpersons or equivalents. It is inferred from typo -chronology of those jar coffins that temporal gap between the deposition of jar burials Nos. 5 and 8 and jar burial No. 6 would have been lengthy (possibly more than 100 years.). Evidences suggest that the deposition of jar burial No. 6 at the location was deliberate, and it further suggests that mortuary ritual which was conducted on the deposition of jar burial No. 6 would have intended to mobilise the memory and the image of the dead buried in jar coffins Nos. 5 and 8, deposited a long time before. Given that the period when the deposition of jar burial no. 6 took place, the early late Yayoi period (c. 1st century AD), was a period of turmoil in northeast Kyushu in which pre-existing inter-lineage ties were probably destroyed, the author contends that the mobilisation of ancestral memory and image in mortuary ritual would have been carried out in the hope of restoring/restructuring intra/inter-lineage ties and integration.
- 九州大学の論文
- ポストプロセス考古学の見取図 : 社会考古学的視座から (ポストプロセス考古学の射程 : ホダー理論に対する実践的リプライの試み)
- 福岡県甘木市栗山遺跡D群墓域第6号甕棺墓 : 社会考古学的観点からの若干の検討