脊髄髄膜瘤(L3/4)児の理学療法に関する1考察 : 運動発達と体幹・下肢変形について
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The purpose of this study is to know the factors which affect to the development of the infant with myelomeningocele (L 3/4). For this purpose, the developmental changes between lumbar lordosis and position of flexion at the hips in specific period are discussed. 1) A subject was a male infant 15 months of age. For this subject, the relation between the range of motion test (ROM) of hip and knee joints, and pictures in sitting on a chair and standing with support at the age of 13 months and 15 months were discussed. 2 ) Lumbar lordosis was decreased in sitting on a chair at the two months after the exercise of hip-joint-ROM. 3 ) In supported standing with pelvic control, lumbar lordosis was decreased and flexion at the hips were increased after two months when he supported himself on hands. But, when he didn't do so, lumbar lordosis was increased.
- 信州大学の論文
信州大学 | 論文
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