The Effect of Culture on International Human Resource Management
- Insights into the Role of HCN Managers in Japanese Subsidiaries in Southeast Asia and Australia
- When the Interests of the Overseas Subsidiary and the Parent Company are in Conflict : The Effect on Evaluating the Performance of Overseas Managers
- Philosophy of Management in the Automotive Industry Contrast Between Japan and United States
- Issues of Executive Compensation A Comparative Analysis ( U.S. Japan Europe )
- The Process of Integrating LDCs into the Global Trading System and the Role of Free Trade in LDC Economic Devolopment
- Aspects of Traditional Japanese Organizational Behavior in Relation to Difficulties in Integrating Host Country National Managers in Japanese Foreign Subsidiaries
- The Transformation of the General Electric Co. in the 1980s and '90s
- The Causes of the Asian Economic Crisis and Coverage in the American Media
- The Effect of Culture on International Human Resource Management