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新潟県西部名立川において,流量および水質の時間的・空間的変化から,流域における流出の特徴や地下水質の進化について考察した。その結果,融雪期を除いて,流域への降雨はすみやかに河川に流出し,降雨流出の減衰も早いこと,低水位時には,河川水質は地下水の影響を強く受けていること,電気伝導度は中流部で高く,最下流部でやや低くなっていること,主要化学成分組成については,上流部でCa-HCO_3型であるが,下流部では中間型となっていることなどが明らかになった。A hydrological environment of the river basin is characterized by river runoff, water quality and the residence time of groundwater. In this study, the discharge and water quality have been investigated in Nadachi River basin, where the amount of annual precipitation is 1,800mm-2,000mm in the coastal area and 2,300mm-3,000mm in the mountainous region. As in winter snow falls as deep as three meters in the upper area, the river rises in March and April. In the steep upper region, a rainfall immediately flows out to the river except winter. The river is subjected to a low-water flow, when the greater part of the flow consists of groundwater. According to groundwater qualities, it is known that the concentrations of Na^+ and HCO_3^- increase in process of time. Then, the ratios of Na^+ and HCO_3^- to the total amount of cation and anion were calculated. The ratio of Na^+ in the lower reaches was higher than that of the upper reaches, but the ratio of HCO_3^- was reversely higher in the upper reaches. As the results of this study, the electric conductivities of river water increaced in process of flow, but in the lowest reach the value slightly went down. Therefore, it is considered that the long residence time groundwater dischaged up to the middle reach. The type of water quality was Ca-HCO_3, in the upper reaches and it changed to the intermediate type in the lower reaches.
- 上越教育大学の論文
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