FIM(Functional Independence Measure ; 機能的自立度評価法) によるADL評価の実用性の検討
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Disabilityに対する統一的な評価法であるFIMの臨床的実用性を検討するために,FIMを用いてADL評価を行った.対象は脳血管障害患者13例で,年令は64歳から89歳(平均年齢75.4歳),性別は女性7名,男性6名で,2週間隔で2回ADL評価を実施した. その結果,運動項目(Motor Items)では,セルフケア(Self-Care)のうちの食事(Eating)は自立度が高く,入浴(Bathing)は低い例が多かった.括約筋コントロール(Sphincter Control排尿・排便)も自立度が高かった. 一方,認知項目(Cognitive Items)では理解(Comprehension)と表出(Expression)の自立度が高かった. 実際の評価に要した時間は1回当たり約20分であった。 アンケートによると,FIMは,マニュアルがわかりにくいので使用しないという意見があるが,臨床的に実用可能であり,今後積極的に使用されるべき評価法と考えられた.We studied 13 patients of cerebro-vascular accidents using the FIM Scale for it's evaluation of the Practicality for clinical use. It seems to be necessary to have a uniform scale to describe and communicate about Disability in Medical Rehabilitation. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) has been developed to offer a uniform method for describing the Severity of Disability and the Functional Outcomes of Medical Rehabilitation. Though the FIM has been used in more than 60% of U.S. Medical Rehabilitation Facilities and has been translated into several languages for international use, it is employed only in 19.5% as first choice in Japanese Medical Rehabilitation Facilities because of some difficult feel to deal. Most clinicians would prefer to use shorter scales rather than longer ones to assess their patients, if they are equally available. It is concluded that the FIM is not only a much easier scale than so far appreciated but a proper scale to assess the patients of cerebro-vascular accidents.
- FIM(Functional Independence Measure ; 機能的自立度評価法) によるADL評価の実用性の検討
- 18. FIMを用いたADL評価 (第6回 九州リハビリテーション医学会)