病院における助産婦活動に関する調査 -助産婦の臨床実践能力評価-
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病院で働く助産婦が助産婦業務に対して自己の臨床実践能力をどのように評価しているのか,その実態とそれに対する助産婦の満足度を明らかにし,卒後教育の在り方を検討する目的でアンケート調査を行い,助産婦90名から回答を得た.その結果以下のことが明らかになった. 1.臨床実践能力で自己評価の高かったのは,「産痛緩和の援助」「分娩進行に伴う胎児の健康状態の判断」「産褥経過の診断」であり,低い評価は「ハイリスク新生児の援助」「新生児仮死の蘇生」「褥婦・産婦の異常発生時の救急処置」であった. 2.臨床実践能力で満足度が高かったのは,「産褥経過の診断」「産痛緩和の援助」「母子関係成立への援助」であり,低かったのは「ハイリスク新生児の援助」「新生児仮死の蘇生」「褥婦・産婦の異常発生時の救急処置」であった. 3.経験年数1~3年の助産婦は6~9年と比較すると,臨床実践能力を有意に低いと評価しているのは6項目で,10年以上と比較すると21項目であった.しかし,4~5年の助産婦は6~9年との有意差はなく,経験年数10年以上の助産婦と有意差がみられたのは1項目のみであった.The purpose of the study was to clarify how midwives in hospitals evaluate their own practical faculties and how much they are satisfied with their faculties in order to consider how to improve the education after graduation. The questionnaire was given and a total of 90 midwives completed it. We have got the following results: 1.They had high opinions of themselves in the following items: "asslst to ease birth pains", "make a physical examination of a baby in the process of the delivery" and "diagnose the progress of postpartum". Their opinions of themselves were lower in the following items: "assist new-born baby with high risk", "revive a baby in the state of suspended animation" and "the first-aid treatment when a puerperal or parturient woman shows an abnormal symptom". 2.They were much satisfied with their faculties such as "assist to ease birth pains", "diagnose the progress of postpartum" and "assist to establish the relationship between mother and child". They found unsatisfactory their faculties such as "assist new-born baby with high risk", "revive a baby in the state of suspenden animation" and "the first- aid treatment when puerperal or parturient woman shows an abnormal symptom". 3.Compared with the midwives having 6 to 9 years experience, the midwives having 1 to 3 years experience had significantly lower opinions of themselves in 6 items, and compared with the midwives having more than 10 years experience, in 21 items. Significant differences were not found, however, between the midwives with 4 to years experience and those with 6 to 9 years experience. In only one item there was a significant difference between the midwives with 4 to 5 years experience and those with more than 10 years experience.
- 長崎大学の論文