Hydrographic Data taken at Three Locals in the Vicinity of the SadoMarine Biological Station, Niigata University during the Year 1994
Ju-shey Ho
Department Of Biological Sciences Californio State University
I1-hoi Kim
Department Of Biology Kangreung National University
- Does Sphyrion lumpi (Kryqoer)(Copepoda, Sphyriidae) Occur in the Seaof Japan ? With Discussion on the Origin and Dispersal of SphyrionCuvier, 1830
- Chondracanthid Copepods(Poecilostomatoida)parasitic on Fishes of theSea of Japan
- Scientific Meeting hela at the Sado Marine Biological Station, NiigataUniversity, during the Year 1994
- Acanthochondria(Copepoda: Chondracanthidae) parasitic on Fishes of SadoIsland in the Sea of Japan, with a Preliminary Review of the Genus
- A List of Publications from the Sado Marine Biological Station duringthe Year 1994
- Hydrographic Data taken at Three Locals in the Vicinity of the SadoMarine Biological Station, Niigata University during the Year 1994